National Security Action advances strong, principled policies to make the United States safer and tackle our toughest challenges and most promising opportunities.
Serving as a resource for like-minded partners to advance policies and ideas that promote a responsible vision of foreign policy, while combating isolationist and reckless policies.
Developing compelling communications strategies—bridging policy and political worlds—to shape national security debates in Washington and around the country.
Convening and mobilizing knowledgeable, diverse, and talented voices in national security to drive towards progressive solutions for policymakers.
Expanding access and integrating new, more diverse voices into our policymaking process and foreign policy community.
What We Stand For
Americans deserve foreign policy that responsibly safeguards our security and charts a principled vision for the world—rather than playing dangerous games with global stability.
Principled American leadership: The best way to advance our security and prosperity is through strong, responsible leadership in the world. America should continue to be a source of stability globally, not a reckless instigator of instability.
Strength at home boosts our standing abroad: Investing in our strengths amplifies our ability to lead globally. An inclusive economy and vibrant democracy at home magnifies all sources of American strength, harnessing our ingenuity to tackle the world’s toughest shared challenges. Domestic dysfunction and division only emboldens our competitors and rivals.
Global leadership keeps us safer: Rallying our allies and partners multiplies our might and protects our interests. Smart investments abroad fend off costly wars and create jobs at home. “America First” is America alone.
A savvy foreign policy toolbox: We are stronger and safer when we strategically leverage our policy tools across diplomacy, development, and defense — only deploying military means when absolutely necessary and with a clear plan for success.