Kamala Harris is the Strong, Experienced Foreign Policy Leader America Needs

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Talking Points:

  • Now more than ever, America needs a strong, tested leader who will keep the American people safe from harm and provide the global leadership necessary to do so. There is only one candidate who has the right temperament, judgment, and vision to keep us safe –  Kamala Harris.

  • When it comes to protecting America’s national security, Vice President Harris won’t need any on-the-job training. For the past three and a half years, Harris has gone toe to toe with America’s toughest foes, like Xi Jinping, and stood shoulder to shoulder with our strongest friends and partners, like Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

  • She’s gained critical experience leading our nation in times of crisis: traveling to Europe to rally support from our allies in the days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; pressing leaders in the Middle East to negotiate for peace; and protecting America’s interests with China.

  • She’s proven time and time again that she will stand up for America’s values around the world – and stand up to our adversaries when they challenge us. Whether it’s Putin or Xi Jinping, Harris has never backed down when it comes to defending our interests.

  • The contrast between Vice President Harris and her opponent couldn’t be more clear: Donald Trump wants to abandon America’s role as leader of the free world, which has protected us since the end of the Second World War. He instead wants to go it alone, giving our adversaries free reign to remake the world order in their image, for their benefit.


Experienced Leader on the World Stage

  • Harris has conducted more than twenty international trips as Vice President, meeting with heads of state from China, Ukraine, Germany, the Philippines and more. Unlike Donald Trump, who has undermined America’s standing as a world leader and prefers to go it alone rather than working with our allies, Harris believes that the U.S. should not turn its back on its allies or hide from challenges by only looking inward – because “when America has isolated herself, threats have only grown."

  • Harris has been empowered to represent the United States around the world, especially during times of crisis. While America’s reputation suffered under Donald Trump, Harris has helped to rebuild our standing through strong, steady leadership. At the 2024 Munich conference, Harris met with the President of Israel, pressing for a ceasefire agreement that would result in the release of all hostages held by Hamas, a surge of humanitarian aid in Gaza and a reprieve from war. At the same conference, she also spoke with the Iraqi prime minister to ensure the continued safety of U.S. troops in the country. Harris also met with Xi Jinping in 2022 and urged the Chinese leader to “responsibly manage the competition between our countries.” Earlier this year, Harris represented the U.S. at the Summit for Peace in Ukraine, where she had her sixth meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Standing up to Putin

  • Donald Trump has proposed a ‘peace plan’ that would force Ukraine to cede its territory to Putin and encouraged Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to our allies in Europe. His running mate, JD Vance, has said “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another.” Unlike her competitors, Harris has clearly demonstrated that she has the strength and courage to stand up to Vladimir Putin – and alongside our allies in times of crisis.

  • At the 2022 Munich Security conference, Harris met with world leaders to discuss Ukraine security and warn about Russia’s imminent invasion of Ukraine – which took place just days later. At the conference, Harris helped to lay the groundwork for allied support for Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion, which enabled our ally to effectively defend itself.

  • Shortly after Russia’s invasion, Harris traveled to Poland and Romania, where she met with heads of state to coordinate support efforts and show solidarity with U.S. allies that provided assistance to Ukraine. In Poland, Harris underscored U.S. resolve to protect its NATO allies by announcing the delivery of two new Patriot missile systems to Poland. Later, Harris helped to negotiate and pass a bipartisan aid package that delivered weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, enabling our ally to continue its fight against Putin’s aggression. 

Strong, Strategic Engagement with China

  • Donald Trump talked a big game when it came to China – but too often backed down in the face of aggression. Trump’s obsession with appearing tough led to a disastrous trade war between the U.S. and China that ballooned trade deficits, cost Americans billions of dollars, and lost hundreds of thousands of good-paying American jobs. But worst of all, none of Trump’s actions had any real positive effect on China’s policies towards the U.S. By contrast, Harris has been engaged in the serious, tough diplomacy necessary to triumph in America’s competition with China.

  • Even before she entered the White House, Harris proved that she would stand strong against Chinese aggression and confront Chinese leaders who challenged America’s values. As a Senator, Harris helped lead legislation that empowered the U.S. government to impose sanctions against foreign individuals and entities responsible for human rights abuses in Xinjiang. She worked alongside Republicans to promote human rights in Hong Kong and hold accountable leaders implicated in “undermining fundamental freedoms and autonomy” in the territory.

  • As Vice President, Harris’s profile in China has continued to grow – and her resolve to defend American interests in the region has only grown stronger, while avoiding the risk of an escalation that could lead to outright conflict. She has been at the center of White House efforts to bolster ties in Asia as a counterbalance to China, making several trips to the region to meet with leaders from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and others. When China pressed the United States to back down in the Indo-Pacific, Harris made clear to Xi Jinping that the United States “will continue to fly, sail, and operate, undaunted and unafraid, wherever and whenever international law allows.” 

Promoting Democracy and American values

  • Donald Trump has spent his entire political career undermining America’s most precious asset – our democracy. He has fawned over dictators, sowed divisions, and tarnished our image around the world by attempting to block the peaceful transition of power and instigating an attack on the Capitol. Vice President Harris, on the other hand, has dedicated her life to defending democracy and promoting the values we hold most dear, both at home and abroad.

  • Harris has stood in solidarity with democracies across the world and has celebrated the “democratic nations we helped build” as one of the greatest American foreign policy accomplishments in our history. As Vice President, she has offered American support to budding democracies and stood up to those who would overturn the will of their people. Harris has long stood up against China’s attack against democracy in Hong Kong and its human rights abuses in Xinjiang. In 2023, she pledged U.S. support for Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo in the face of an authoritarian government. When it comes to human rights, Harris has been unafraid to call out bad actors – either friend or foe. Harris visited Ghana and Vietnam, where she publicly criticized leaders for their failure to stand up for the most vulnerable in their countries. She raised similar concerns with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, ensuring that the world’s largest democracy lives up to the values it was founded on.

Published: July 2024